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Emini Futures Day Trader LLC™

EminiES Automated Futures Trading System

EminiES Automated Futures Trading System

Regular price $25,499.00 USD
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The EminiES Automated Futures Trading System is a lifetime-licensed software designed for trading the S&P 500 Emini (ES), Nasdaq Emini (NQ), Dow Emini (YM), and Bitcoin Emini (BTC) futures contracts. It provides a fully functional trading strategy that you can import into NinjaTrader 8, giving you full control over your trades. You can start, stop, and modify trades at your discretion. Once logged into NinjaTrader, you can choose to trade in a simulated environment or live. The system automatically executes trades as signals are generated, trading once or multiple times daily during the US Equities RTH session based on your preferences. Daily updates and optimizations are available for the S&P 500 Emini (ES) contract—simply select the strategy that fits your risk profile, click "Update NinjaTrader," and the parameters will be automatically downloaded and applied, making strategy adjustments seamless. Visit the Daily Update for more information about our Top 30 S&P 500 Emini (ES) AI strategies.


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